Have you experienced the above situation .. ?? It often happens like that when doing multi task work while cooking. There is so much home work to do that we forget our cook. When it's too late, the cook already burn and smoke your kitchen, then you realize that you are still cook some dishes in the kitchen. When it is smoking from your pan, of course the pan or pot will be crusty and sometimes even charred, smoked all over the house.
The problem with this pan when it is dark stain all over it, it's so difficult to clean it and you have to brush it with a brush. Thick crust that stick to it sometime is too hard to clean it and have to use the wire brush over and over again for a little longer and then the dirt will disappear. It could your hand-feel so exhausted.
Using the old method of cleaning, the pan or pot will be reheated and filled with water to make the crust in it soft and easier to wash. It will take some time and a lot of energy to get rid of the crust. Some use strong detergent or chemical that can remove stubborn crust but they are quite expensive.
Here I want to share a few tips on how to get rid of the stubborn crust effectively :
7 Easy Tips to Eliminate Stubborn Crust on Burns Pan.
1. Using A Soap.
First, cut the soap into 4 or 6 portions (depending on the size of your pan or pot / pan) and soak the pot / pan in the mix with the soap (1 part for the outside of the pot / pan and 1 part for the pot / pan ). Let the soap bloom for a few minutes and dissolve in water. Then press 1 part of the soap to the outer crust and 1 more to the crust inside the pan / pot. Then use a wire brush brush and repeat until clean.
2. Using a Vinegar.
If the scoop on the pan is not too thick, just use a mixture of vinegar and water in a ratio of 1 vinegar to 3 water. Preheat the pan until it boils and stir until the burns are removed.
Usually use it for the sugar burns. Boil carbonate drink over low heat for about 2 hours and the resulting sugar will dissolve on its own. For areas that are too thick, rub with a wooden spoon to help remove the burning effect.
4. Using Tomato.
This will require you to leave your pan overnight with soaked with almost ripe tomatoes (no water added). The acid contained in the tomato will ease the effects of the burn and make it easier to scrub with a brush.
5. Coarse Salt.
Boil water using that hot crusty pan and add coarse salt. Then stir while mixing the scallions with a wooden spoon. The effect of burn will lifted gradually
This is a great way to get rid of the scorching effect on the back / outside of your pan / pot. Mix salt and lemon juice until it has a concentrated thick liquid and place it (rub it) on the outside of the pan / pot and leave for 2 hours. Then put some water and scrub it with metal brush.
7. Baking Soda and Vinegar.
It is ideal for getting rid of scratches on the inside of your pot / pan. First boil water in the pot / pan and then add one cup of baking soda. Once it is found that the crust is starting to soften, it can extinguish the fire and begin to scrape it off with a wooden ladle along with a coarse sponge.
With New Technology, Pan Maker Start to Manufactures New Pan / Pot Design
In today's sophisticated era of 21st Century, pots / pans makers and manufacturers have discovered how to make pots / pans using materials that are not easily absorbed by impurities, especially the burning effects of cooking. There are a variety of leading manufacturers brands that you can find in the market, especially from flattened pan / pot manufacturers that use anti-stains and anti-stick materials.
Here I would like to suggest a Korean product that has successfully manufactured an anti-stick pan / potting product using 7 layers of material including 6 layers of stone powders. It's amazing, it's beautifully designed and lighter than any of the stainless steel pots / pans products in the market.
I want to present it to you :
It really is lighter and scratches proof than the pan I used before. It also comes with a 28cm flat cover and can be used for another 2 Ecoramic (28cm) pan. It is also healthier in your cooking as it boils the Red Infrared Light which removes germs from cooking and has an Anti-bacterial material has been used for the outer layer of the pan. I myself has bought it to try the effectiveness of this new Pan Technology.
My mom bought it during a promotion on TV Advertising for much less than the market price. 3 different pan volumes together with 1 cover for only RM169 a month ago. The market price is about RM700 when you buy it separately. The pan cover costs RM40. Fortunately my mom bought it in that promotion time.
The great thing about this pan is that it is easy to wash and does not scratch even when scrubbed with a brush. In commercials on TV until the nails in this pan are cooked and scrubbed even with sharp scratches. Because it is so high quality and effective, I plan to market it because I really believe in the effectiveness of this product to facilitate kitchen work.
"It looks like your Kitchen will be perfect when equipped with this product."
"Now I always want to cook because it is so easy to clean this pan".
Get a discount if you buy 3 different size of pan with the cover at a cheaper price at the link / button below (or click on the image provided below):
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